
Highly sensitive enzyme immunoassay for the quantitatve determination of Serotonin

Clinical Fields: Oncology, Psychatry, Pharmacology
Diseases: malignant carcinoid, endogenous depression, schizophrenia

Catalog No Size
Product Catalog No: EA630/96 Pack Size: 96 wells

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4 hours Acylation, ELISA incubation over night. Small sample volume (20 microlitre)

Test Principle

Serotonin (5-Hydroxytryptamine), a biogenic amine, is a product of the tryptophan metabolism. It is a well evaluated neurotransmitter of the central nervous system and can be found in high concentrations in the chromaffine cells of the intestinal mucosa, in the platelets and the serotonergic neurones of the brain.

Central-serotonergic neurones influence physiological functions such as sleep and the hormonal and cardio-vascular regulation. Increased serum levels can be found with malignant carcinoid, endogenous depression and schizophrenia.

The assay kit provides materials for the quantitative measurement of derivated serotonin in low concentrated samples and for small sample volumes. The derivation is performed during the preparation of the samples. By using the acylation reagent the serotonin is quantitatively derivated into N-acylserotonin.

The competitive Serotonin ELISA kit uses the microtitre plate format. Derivated serotonin compete for a fixed number of antiserum binding sites. When the system is in equilibrium, free antigen and free antigenantiserum complexes are removed by washing. The antibody bound to the solid phase serotonin is detected by anti-rabbit/peroxidase. The substrate TMB / peroxidase reaction is monitored at 450 nm. The amount of antibody bound to the solid phase serotonin is inversely proportional to the serotonin concentration of the sample.

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