Rheumatoid Factor Assay Kit (RF)

Immunoturbidimetric assay for the in vitro quantitative determination of rheumatoid factor in human serum.

Regulatery Status: CE

Product Catalog Number Packaging Method/Format
Product Catalog No: Kit (80ml) Pack Size: GB610M Pack Size: 3×20 ml
1×20 ml
Pack Size: Immunoturbidimetric
Product Catalog No: Kit (80ml) Pack Size: GS611M Pack Size: 3×20 ml
1×20 ml
Product Catalog No: Kit (80ml) Pack Size: GT611M 3×20 ml Pack Size: 3×20 ml
1×20 ml
Product Catalog No: Kit (80ml) Pack Size: GX611M Pack Size: 1×60 ml
1×20 ml
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Product Features

Sialic in specimen is converted to N-Acetylneuraminic acid by Rheumatoid factor (RF) is an autoantibody against human IgG commonly seen in sera at a high concentration in some conditions, particularly in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.The measurement of RF value is useful in evaluating the diagnosis, effects of therapy and prognosis of RA, systemic lupus erythematosus, chronic hepatopathy, etc. This reagent has been disigned to accurately and reproducibly measure blood RF using latex agglutination.neuraminidase;then N-Acetylneuraminic acid is converted to N-acetylmannosamine and Pyruvic acid by NANA-aldolase. The pyruvate formed reacts with NADH in the presence of LDH to form Lactate and NAD. The corresponding decrease in absorbance at 340nm is proportional to the sialic concentration.

Assay Principle

When an antigen-antibody reaction occurs between RF in a sample and denatured human IgG which has been adsorbed to latex particles,agglutination results.This agglutination is detected as an absobance change (550- 660 nm), with the magnitude of the change being proportional to the quantity of RF in the sample.The actual concentration is then determined by interpolation from a calibration curve prepared from calibrators of known concentration.

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1. Anderson, S.G., Bentzon, M.W., Houba, V. and Krag, P. Bull. Wld. Hlth. Org. 42: 311-318 (1970).
2. Galvin, J.P. et al., Clin. Lab. Assays 4: 73-95(1983).
