Lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] Assay
Lp(a) is intended as a latex particle enhanced immunoturbidimetric assay for the in vitro quantitative determination of lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] concentration in human serum or plasma (EDTA) on clinical chemistry systems.
Lp(a) is a dual liquid stable reagent system which provides reliable results and is offered with time saving instrument specific packaging options which eliminate reagent transfer and increase operator efficiency. Instrument specific packaging options including RocheTM Hitachi 917 series, Beckman AU (400/600/640/680), Beckman Synchron CX, LX and DXC. The method requires only 6 μl of serum sample completed in less than 10 minutes and has excellent correlation with existing commercial products with r2 of 0.998, slope of 0.99, and y intercept of 0.03. The assay has intra precision values of less than 2.6%.
Lp(a) Assay is based on a latex enhanced immunoturbidimetric method. Lp(a) in the sample binds to the specific anti-Lp(a) antibody, which is coated on latex particles, and causes agglutination. The degree of the turbidity caused by agglutination can be measured optically and is proportional to the amount of Lp(a) in the sample.