Immunoglobulin G Assay Kit (IgG)

The immunoglobulin G assay kit is used for the quantitative determination of IgG in serum.

Regulatery Status: CE

Product Catalog Number Packaging Method/Format
Product Catalog No: Kit (120 Ml) Pack Size: GB650M Pack Size: R1: 2 × 50 ml
R2: 2 × 10 ml
Pack Size: immunoturbidimetric
Product Catalog No: Kit (120 Ml) Pack Size: GS651M Pack Size: R1: 2 × 50 ml
R2: 2 × 10 ml
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Product Features

IgG is the major Immunoglobulin produced by the plasma cells. It accounts for 70 to 75% of the total immunoglobulins. Its’ major function is of neutralisation of toxins and destruction or removal of infectious agents that is accomplished by initiating either phagocytosis or to Complement cascade. IgG antibodies are produced in response to most bacteria and viruses. IgG has 4 main sub classes (IgG 1, IgG2, IgG3 and IgG4). Polyclonal IgG increases may be present in systemac lupus rythematosis, chronic liver disease, infectious disease and cystic fibrosis. Monoclonal IgG increases are present in IgG myeloma. Decreased levels of IgG are found in congenital and acquired immunodeficiency diseases of selective IgG subclass deficiencies. Decreased IgG concentrations are also seen in protein losing enteropathies, nephorotic syndrome and through the skin form burns.

Assay Principle

This assay is based on the reaction between IgG antigen and anti-IgG antibody. This reaction forms an insoluble complex producing a turbidity, which is measured spectrophotometrically. The amount of complex formed is directly proportional to the amount of IgGin the sample.

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  • Gitlin D, EdelhochHJ. Immunol. 1951, 66, 76-78.
  • Burtis CA, Ashwood ER. Tietz Fund. Of Clin. Chem. 5th ed. 30-54 and 462-494.
  • Guder WG, Narayanan S, Wisser H, Zawta B. List of Analytes; Pre-analytical Variables. Brochure in: Samples: From the Patient to the Laboratory. Darmstadt: GIT Verlag, 1996.