HSV 1 & 2 IgM

The Calbiotech, Inc. (CBI) HSV 1 & 2 IgM ELISA test system is an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the detection of IgM class antidotes to HSV-1&2 in human serum or plasma.

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Product Catalog No: H1200M Pack Size: 96 Tests

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HSV-1 and 2 are virtually identical, sharing approximately 50% of their DNA and have over 80% of common antigens. Both types infect the body’s mucosal surfaces, usually the mouth or genitals, and then establish latency in the nervous system. For both types, at least two-thirds of infected people have no symptoms, or symptoms too mild to notice. However, both types can recur and spread even when no symptoms are present. By the time they’re teenagers or young adults, about 50% of Americans have HSV-1 antibodies in their blood. By the time they are over age 50, some 80-90% of Americans has HSV-1 antibodies. By comparison, almost all HSV-2 is encountered after childhood, when people become sexually active. HSV type 1 is the cause of most orofacial herpes and HSV encephalitis; type 2 is the primary cause of initial and recurrent genital herpes and neonatal HSV. Reactivation of latent HSV infection is a frequent complication of immunosuppression due to cancer, transplantation and AIDS. Asymptomatic genital shedding of HSV-2 is more common than HSV-1 and occurs more frequently during the first 3 months after acquisition of primary type 2 disease than during later periods. The presence of HSV IgG antibody is indicative of previous exposure A significant increases in HSV IgG is an indicative of reactivation, current or recent infection. IgM antibody is present after primary HSV infection.

Test Principle

Diluted patient serum (serum diluent contains sorbent to remove Rheumatoid Factor and human IgG interference) is added to wells coated with purified antigen. IgM specific antibody, if present, binds to the antigen. All unbound materials are washed away and the enzyme conjugate is added to bind to the antibody-antigen complex, if present. Excess enzyme conjugate is washed off and substrate is added. The plate is incubated to allow the hydrolysis of the substrate by the enzyme. The intensity of the color generated is proportional to the amount of IgM specific antibody in the sample.

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  1. Langeland N; Haarr L; Mhalu F. Prevalence of HSV-2 antibodies among STD clinic patients in Tanzania. Int J STD AIDS 1998;9(2):104-7.
  2. Markoulatos P; Labropoulou V; Kordossi A; Krikelis V; Spyrou N; Moncany ML. A combined indirect ELISA and immunoblotting for the detection of intrathecal herpes simplex virus IgG antibody synthesis in patients with herpes simplex virus encephalitis. J Clin Lab Anal 1995;9(5):325-33. 3
  3. Markoulatos P; Fountoucidou P; Marinakis G; Krikelis V; Spyrou N; Vamvakopoulos N; Moncany ML. Clear detection and typing of herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 by an indirect ELISA assay: comparison with three different combined methods–capture ELISA, restriction enzymes, and polymerase chain reaction. J Clin Lab Anal 1997; 11(3):146-53.
  4. Herbert AM; Bagg J; Walker DM; Davies KJ; Westmoreland D. Seroepidemiology of herpes virus infections among dental personnel. J Dent 1995;23(6):339-42.
  5. Goodyear HM; McLeish P; Randall S; Buchan A; Skinner GR; Winther M; Rolland J; Morgan G; Harper JI. Immunological studies of herpes simplex virus infection in children with atopic eczema. Br J Dermatol 1996;134(1):85-93.