Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Assay Kit (G-6-PD)

For quantitative determination of Glucose-6Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PD) in human blood.

Regulatery Status: CE

Product Catalog Number Packaging Method/Format
Product Catalog No: Kit (500 Ml) Pack Size: GSG6PD Pack Size: R1:1 × 60 mL
R: 21 × 20 mL
Lyse:4 × 70 mL
Pack Size: Glucose-6-Phosphate Substrate
Product Catalog No: Kit (160 Ml) Pack Size: GSG6PD/ B Pack Size: R1: 2 × 60 ml
R2: 2 × 20 ml
Lyse:6 × 95 mL
Product Catalog No: Kit (80 Ml) Pack Size: GBG6PD Pack Size: R1: 1 × 60 ml
R2: 1 × 20 ml
Lyse:4 × 70 mL
Product Catalog No: Kit (60 Ml) Pack Size: GHG6PD Pack Size: R1: 1 × 45 ml
R2: 1 × 15 ml
Lyse: 3 × 70 mL
Product Catalog No: Kit (60 Ml) Pack Size: GTG6PD Pack Size: R1: 1 × 45 ml
R2: 1 × 15 ml
Lyse: 3 × 70 mL
Product Catalog No: Kit (80 Ml) Pack Size: GXG6PD Pack Size: R1: 1 × 60 ml
R2: 1 × 20 ml
Lyse:4 × 70 ml
Pack Size: GKG6PD Pack Size: R1: 1 × 60 ml
R2: 1 × 20 ml
Lyse:4 × 70 ml
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Product Features

Glutathione(GSH) is the necessary condition of maintaining the stability of hemoglobin and the integrity of red cell membrane. Glutathione reductase itself needs sufficient amount of NADPH. The level of NADPH is kept sufficient by G6PD. G6PD deficiency can be triggered by some drugs, such as Antimalarial drugs, sulfone drugs, primaquine, sulfa drugs. Low G6PD values are found with G6PD deficiency, certain drugs, fava beans, infections, etc.

Assay Principle

Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase catalyzes the first step in the pentose phosphate shunt, oxidizing glucose-6-phosphate (G-6-P) to 6phosphogluconate (6-PG) and reducing NADP to NADPH. Nictotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP) is reduced by G6PD in the presence of G-6-P. The rate of formation of NADPH is proportional to the G6PD activity and is measured colorimetrically as in increase in absorbance at 340nm. Involving the following reaction:

G-6-P + NADP+ ——-→ 6-PG + NADPH + H+

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