Chloride (Cl)
For the in vitro quantitative determination of Chloride in serum and plasma.
Tests for chloride in the blood are important in the diagnosis and treatment of patients suffering from Hypertension, renal failure or impairment, cardiac distress, disorientation, dehydration, nausea and diarrhea. Some causes of increased values for chloride include prolonged diarrhea, renal tubular disease, hyperparathyroidism and dehydration. Some causes for decreased values for chloride include prolonged vomiting, burns, salt-losing renal disease, overhydration andthiazide therapy.
Chloride ions react with mercurious thiocyanate form mercury perchlorate and thiocyanate. The liberated thiocyanate forms a red complex chloride in the presence of nitric acid.
1. M. Saito, T. Makino et al., Clinica Chimica Acta, 120(1982) 127-135.
2. R. Homster, B. Zak, Clin. Chem. 31/8, 1310-1313(1985).