α-Amylase Assay Kit (AMY)
For the quantitative determination of amylase activity, using manual or automated procedures, in human serum samples
The determination of amylase activity in serum and urine is most commonly performed for the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis. In acute pancreatitis, amylase levels are elevated for longer periods of time in urine than in serum. Therefore, determining the ratio of the amylase and creatinine clearances is important in following the course of the pancreatitis.
The method uses ethylidene blocked pnitrop-henylmaltoheptaoside (EPS-G7) as substrate. Amylase hydrolyzes EPS-G7 to Et-Gx and Gy-pNP. Gy-pNP is further hydrolyzed by a coupled enzyme, α-glucosidase to glucose and pNP which is quantitated colorimetrically at 405 nm. The amount of pNP formed is directly proportionalto the amylase activity in the sample.
Et-G7-pNP → Et-Gx + Gy-pNP
Gy-pNP → glucose + pNP-glucoside
pNP-glucoside → glucose + pNP
G = glucose
x and y = 2-5 and x + y =7
pNP = p-nitrophenol
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