Myoglobin Assay Kit (MYO/Mb)

Diagnostic reagent for quantitative in vitro determination of myoglobin in serum or plasma on photometric systems.

Regulatery Status: CE

Product Catalog Number Packaging Method/Format
Product Catalog No: Kit (80 Ml) Pack Size: GB240X Pack Size: R1:1×60ml
Pack Size: Latex Enhanced IT
Product Catalog No: Kit (80 Ml) Pack Size: GS241X Pack Size: R1:1×60ml
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Product Features

Myoglobin is an oxygen-binding heme protein present in cardiac and skeletal muscle. In case of a damage of these muscles, as in the case of an acute myocardial infarction (AMI) or muscle trauma, myoglobin is released in the blood circulation.

After an AMI it can already be measured in the blood 2-3 hours from chest pain onset reaching pathological levels before other cardiac markers like creatin kinase (CK) or its MB isoenzyme (CK-MB). Myoglobin achieves peak levels after 7-10 hours returning to values within the reference range after approx. 24 hours.

The determination of myoglobin represents a rapid and sensitive laboratory test which complements the ECG during the early phase of AMI. If myoglobin is still within the reference range 8 hours after onset of chest pain, an AMI can be excluded with great probability. Increased concentrationsof myoglobininblood canalso be measured in conditions not associated with AMI such as muscle trauma, myopathies, strong physical exercise, kidney insufficiency or rhabdomyolysis.

Assay Principle

When an antigen-antibody reaction occurs between Mb in a sample and anti-Mb antibody which has been sensitized to latex particles, agglutination results. This agglutination is detected as an absorbance change (570 nm), with the magnitude of the change being proportional to the quantity of Mb in the sample. The actual concentration is then determined by interpolation from a calibration curve prepared from calibrators of known concentration.

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  • Galvin, J. P. et al.: Particle enhanced photometric immunoassaysystems., Clin. Lab.Assays (Pap.Annu. Clin. Lab.Assays Conf.), 4th, 73 (1983)
  • Singer, J. M. et al.: The latex fixation test. I. Application to the serologic diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis,Amer. J. Med.,21, 888 (1956)