Triglyceride Assay Kit (TG)

For the in vitro quantitative determination of triglycerides in serum.

Regulatery Status: CE

Product Catalog Number Packaging Method/Format
Product Catalog No: Kit (500ml) Pack Size: GB110Z Pack Size: 5×100 ml Pack Size: GPO-PAP
Product Catalog No: Kit (420ml) Pack Size: GS111Z Pack Size: 6×70 ml
Product Catalog No: Kit (300ml) Pack Size: GH111Z Pack Size: 6×50 ml
Product Catalog No: Kit (350ml) Pack Size: GT111Z Pack Size: 7×50 ml
Product Catalog No: Kit (200ml) Pack Size: GX111Z Pack Size: 2×100 ml
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Product Features

Triglycerides are a family of lipids absorbed from the diet and produced endogenously from carbohydrates. Measurement of triglycerides is important in the diagnosis and management of hyperlipidemias. These diseases can be genetic or secondary to other

Assay Principle

Quinoneimine dye colored red is formed from 4- aminoantipyrine, 4-chloride phenol, and hydrogen peroxide. The absorption of the solution of this dye is proportional to the concentration of triglycerides in the sample.

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1. Stein E.A. and Myers G.L. “ Lipids, Lipoproteins and Apolipoproteins” in Tietz Textbook of Clinical Chemistry. Burtis C.A. and Ashwood E.R. ( Ed ). WB Saunders Company, Second Edition. 1994; 23: 1002-93.
2. McGowan MW, et al. Clin Chem 1983; 29: 538.
3. Fossati P, Prencipe L. Clin Chem 1982; 28: 2077-80.
